I'm also not even going to try to catch up on what I missed or try to tell you what happened with me in these past dad quiet months. The good stuff (any maybe some of the bad) will surface at some time or another I'm sure.
I have to start with the good news! I am sooooo excited! I am planning a trip to Italy and France during the winter holidays (summer in Europe)!!!! I'm going with a friend - we will be 6 women only on the trip! I don't really know the other girls and only met one of them the other day but they all sound great! The first week of the trip we will spend on a farm close to Perugia in the beautiful province of Umbria - right in the heart of Italy.

This part of the holiday will be a "cooking vacation" where we will have cooking classes in the mornings and go on excursions in the afternoons. Italian food has always been my absolute favourite!!!

After that we will travel through the Italian and French countryside mainly. We will end our journey in Paris - the only city that I really would love to see on this trip.

It all feels so unreal still. We're finalising our flights and booking at the farm this week. Maybe once I've paid my deposit it will start feeling real and not just like a beautiful dream that might end at any moment!
So - that's it for now. I will try to not be a stranger again!