I don't even have a good excuse - just the normal - too busy thing! I've typed about 20 posts in my mind in the meantime - to tell you all about my day / week / month, but I never got a chance to actually sit down and post. I'm just soooo tired when I get home in the afternoon - after cooking supper, I don't even have the energy to switch on the PC - let alone - blog! Weekends have been filled with all kinds of other things too!
So many little things have happened since my last post. Nothing major though. Here's a couple things that kept me busy:
- We're planning my mom's 80th b-day party. I designed, printed and posted the invitations. This is what it looks like:
Front and back:

- On 26 September we held a scrapbook day to raise funds for one of our scrapbooking friends who where diagnosed with cancer. We made a Jacob's ladder mini album. In honor of Jackie (our friend) - we called it Jackie's ladder.

- Been to Aardklop Arts Festival in Potchefstroom with my sister on 2 and 3 October. We had a blast! Went to see a show on each of the days and saw a LOT of beautiful arts and crafts.
- We participated in the CANSA Relay 4 Life on 9 October. For those who've never heard of Relay 4 Life - it's an event aimed at fundraising for the Cancer Association where teams have to walk around a track for 12 hours throughout the night. You can read more about it on the CANSA website. It turned out to be a lot of fun! It was also very emotional at stages as people who were lost to Cancer were honoured. Lots of tears and laughter! I was totally exhausted by 6 o'clock the next morning - both physically and emotionally! Definitely worth it though!

Obviously there's also been work - both at work and at home! We had to go shop for more light fittings last weekend. The little village where we live don't really have a lot of variety, so we had to go to Jo'burg for some shopping. Reminded me again why I will never be able to live there!
They will start building our swimming pool in a week or so. Apparently it will take about 4 weeks to finish which means a big mess on our doorstep for at least a month! Grrrrr - wish I had a magic wand! Then comes the irrigation and landscaping and ..... Makes me tired just thinking about all the work! BUT I'm looking forward to the end result!
I stumbled upon this wonderful local SA site the other day! I started using their weekly menu immediately and it really made my life so much easier! What's for Dinner! Now I don't have to wonder what to cook for dinner anymore - I print out the shopping list for the next week - make sure I have everything in the pantry / fridge and wha-lah ... no more boring suppers in our house! Most of the meals are quick and easy to prepare and it really helped me to get "out of the box" with my cooking! If you don't like what they have on the menu - you can pick something else from the 100's of other recipes on the site.
I've managed to do some blog reading over the past weeks but not a lot. Will try to catch up sometime.
Not making any promises about posting but will really try to be a better blogger! :)